[SOLVED] Testnet not getting the balance and tokens

hey everyone. please help me to fix this error. when I use the nestnet eth address for getting the balance and other details it’s not working its returns the empty array. I have tokens and balance and tokens in my testnet address but moralis getTokenBalances() returns me the empty. when I use the mainnet address its works. someone tell how can I fix this.

It should work properly.
You need to pass the proper chainId for the network you’re trying to get your balance on which default to eth if nothing is passed. You can find the available networks here https://docs.moralis.io/moralis-dapp/web3-api/supported-chains.
You can also share the address your testnet address and the network you’re trying to fetch it’s balance


What about the network ?

can you please check it

The chain value should be ropsten but you used eth.

The chain should be ropsten not eth

its working thanks :heart: