[SOLVED] Sync event does not on BSC mainnet

Hi, e have sync event Transfer NFT. Testnet worked but not work in mainnet .
This is my config
Topic: Transfer(address,address,uint256)

  "anonymous": false,
  "inputs": [
      "indexed": true,
      "internalType": "address",
      "name": "from",
      "type": "address"
      "indexed": true,
      "internalType": "address",
      "name": "to",
      "type": "address"
      "indexed": true,
      "internalType": "uint256",
      "name": "tokenId",
      "type": "uint256"
  "name": "Transfer",
  "type": "event"

Address: 0x1f4862440A20f5FC5401d858267651BC71386771

I have tried to recreate this event. How can i fix thiss?

can you try to update the server to the latest version?

if still doesn’t work, can you paste the server url?

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How can i check what is latest version. Current version of my serrver is 0.0.353

my server url: https://4ilsgwguyxmq.usemoralis.com:2053/server

that server has a quite old version

if you click on restart button, a green one, you will get a pop up with the latest version

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Thanks @cryptokid. It’s worked.

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