[SOLVED] Streams API is not considering pro moralis subscription

I am doing a POC on Moralis streams to integrate into one of our products.

I need help regarding the failed webhook’s retry and retention feature. We are using a pro plan with 1 webhook retry and 6 hours of retention. But our webhooks are dropped within 5 to 10 mins.

Why is it not considering the pro plan metrics for streams API for our account and API?

How did you test this? The request was no longer present in history?

While registering the streams, we usually get the test webhook with default response data.

But the default response data varies for each streams API

The default response variant mentioned in the docs

  "abi": {},  
  "block": {  
    "hash": "",  
    "number": "",  
    "timestamp": ""  
  "txs": \[],  
  "txsInternal": \[],  
  "logs": \[],  
  "chainId": "",  
  "tag": "",  
  "streamId": : "",  
  "confirmed": true,  
  "retries": 0,  
  "erc20Approvals": \[],  
  "erc20Transfers": \[],  
  "nftApprovals": \[],  
  "nftTransfers": \[]  

I received a different variant

  abi: [],
  block: { number: '', hash: '', timestamp: '' },
  txs: [],
  txsInternal: [],
  logs: [],
  chainId: '',
  confirmed: true,
  retries: 0,
  tag: '',
  streamId: '',
  erc20Approvals: [],
  erc20Transfers: [],
  nftApprovals: { ERC721: [], ERC1155: [] },
  nftTransfers: []

Can we expect that this default response for the test webhook won’t be changed further? It would be good to send a flag isStreamRegisteration: true instead of such a default response.

Yes, I have forcefully failed the webhook and waited for 5 to 10 mins and the failed hook was removed from the history and UI etc. It should stay in the history for 6 hours according to our subscription plan

ok, we’ll have to check more

Okay, please let us know once this issue is fixed.

Any inputs about this one ?

This request should look like a normal request, but without data.

Yes, but we need to differentiate the normal webhook calls and test webhook calls programmatically right? we need some unique flags / consistent payload sent along with the request

Check the payload that I have added, the documentation seems not updated for this part

this part seems unique:

block: { number: '', hash: '', timestamp: '' }

Okay, we will always consider this payload for the test hook.

that could happen if you use your own api key and not the organisation api key

My account has an admin role/permission and I am using the API key which is also being used in production. So I guess I am using the right API key for the POC.

And also there is option for switch teams, it is being used to switch the account as individual account/team account. Hence I am in the team account, I can only access organization API key.

can you paste first 4 letters from the api key that you use?

mFyM - This should be the first 4 characters of the API key that I am using right now

ok, it seems to be an internal issue on our side

Understood, let us know once it is fixed

Any updates on this ?

I’m asking the team if there are updates

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