[solved] React-moralis. Web3Api.native.getTransaction() Error:Request contains unknown parameter: address

Have code:

    const transaction = await Web3Api.native.getTransaction({ chain, transactionHash: hash })

That works fine with moralis server, and worked fine with self-hosted server before today.
From now it just sending error:

Error: [C0005] Request contains unknown parameter: address. This operation supports the following parameters: transactionHash, chain

I think that it is related to some default parameters that are sent by the sdk to the server in that request, that address is sent when the user is authenticated. You can try to use latest versions or patch the server to ignore that check or remove the address parameter for that cloud function server side

So there is nothing I can do on the client side, only on server?

you can try to update to latest version of the sdk, I think that it was a fix made for this issue

@cryptokid Thanks for answer, sdk - you mean moralis-server from git?

you can check this forum post

Yeah, it work’s thanks