[solved] Parse-server domain

i am using the parse-server-migration setup in the authService.ts file:

const result = await Moralis.Auth.requestMessage({
domain: url.hostname,
uri: url.toString(),
statement: url.hostname,
notBefore: now.toISOString(),
expirationTime: expirationTime.toISOString(),
timeout: TIMEOUT,

my parser-server domain is different than the dapp domain. so i always get the metamask unsafe deceptive site notification because the domains are different. if my server and my dapp are on two different domains, how can i avoid this message? or do they both have to be on the same domain

You can use there the domain from where the site is accessed by MetaMask. The domains for parse server and dapp don’t have to be the same

right but when i do that, i always get the unsafe deceptive site notification unfortunately. i set the domain to the domain of my dapp.

use the other domain there in code, the one for the app so that you don’t get that warning any more, just replace url.hostname with the app domain

i added the domain of the dapp to the request message but still the same result. weird.

parse-server = www.mydapp-api.net (hosted on aws)
dapp = www.mydapp.net

the dapp calls the cloudfunction :
const { message } = await Moralis.Cloud.run(‘requestMessage’, {
address: address,
chain: chain.id,
networkType: ‘evm’,

the cloud function then calls the requestmessage function in authService.ts:
const result = await Moralis.Auth.requestMessage({
domain: ‘www.mydapp.net’,
uri: url.toString(),
statement: STATEMENT,
notBefore: now.toISOString(),
expirationTime: expirationTime.toISOString(),
timeout: TIMEOUT,

so the domain in the message now matches the dapp domain, but still the unsafe message.

so i thought the uri i didn’t matter but it does. it seems to be working now by making sure the domain and the uri are the same:

const result = await Moralis.Auth.requestMessage({
domain: ‘www.mydapp.net’,
uri: ‘https://www.mydapp.net’,
statement: STATEMENT,
notBefore: now.toISOString(),
expirationTime: expirationTime.toISOString(),
timeout: TIMEOUT,

appreciate the help. thx!

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