[SOLVED]"No pools found with enough liquidity, to calculate the price" for EURe on gnosis chain

I usually use the exchange 1inch that is not present in the list and I’m trying to get the EURe token price which is basically one Euro


I get

“No pools found with enough liquidity, to calculate the price”

Is this normal or is there a sync problem?


Hi @AllofFame

Can you please share on which chain you are testing this?

You can also get that error when the chain and dex which you have selected has no common pools.

I’m using gnosis but I’m sorry I don’t understand the “common pools” thing. I haven’t selected any exchange.

Hi @AllofFame

It seems we dont have support for the gnosis chain yet. Please have a look at the below docs for the list of supported chains and exchanges.

@johnversus Thank you for your answer that explains a lot.

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