[SOLVED] Mutilple webhook urls are being triggered

Currently I’m using ngrok to generate weebhook URLs

ex https://e7e9-2401-4900-1cbd-50f-d9aa-e98a-9de0-1462.ngrok.io/hldeposit
ex https://e7e9-2401-4900-1cbd-50f-d9aa-e98a-9de0-1462.ngrok.io/deposit

so when deposit event is emitted streams api triggers …/deposit endpoint but moralis is also triggering other endpoints that i have

Did you set it up properly to listen to a specific event? If you didn’t add the abi and select a specific event you will receive all of them

Yes i have selected specific event,when configuring the streams api ,correct endpoints are triggered

you can double check to see if you don’t have multiple streams using the same webhook

what do you mean with other endpoints that you have? like hlddeposit and also deposit? do you have more than one stream active?

Yes i have more than on streams active, but they are using different webhooks

deposit webbook makes post request to /deposit
hldeposit webhook makes post request to /hldeposit

ok, the webhook request that you receive on /deposit has nothing to do with the stream that is associated with that webhook url?

it could be that an event on chain triggers both streams

Now Its working fine ,thanks


Amazing to hear you got it working; may I know how are you finding the moralis services so far?

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