[SOLVED] MoralisWeb3Api.js:369 Uncaught (in promise) Error: address is not a valid hex address

I am trying to authenticate and check the current chain balance. but I am getting errors.

const connect = async () => {
    if (!isAuthenticated) {
      await Moralis.authenticate({
        signingMessage: "Log in using Moralis",
      .then( function (user) {
        console.log("logged in user:", user);
         if (user.get('accounts')[0]) {
          try {
            const options = { chain: "mumbai", address:user.get('accounts')[0] };
            const balances =  Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances(options)
          } catch (error) {
        .catch(function (error) {

check what is that Newaccount value there

Newaccount value was empty now i have fixed it. but i am getting this result instead of token balance - Promise {<pending>}

You may have to resolve that promise or to use await

after using await or resolving promise i am getting this result

That looks like no result was found for those particular parameters

What should I do to check the balance? I want to check the current chain and current address balance.

You want to check the native balance? Like eth, bnb?

Hi, thanks for your help. Now I am using moralis web3apis for balance checking. my problem is solved.