[SOLVED] Moralis server not syncing events from BSC Testnet

Hi I have a Moralis server listening to 5 events from contract address 0x2406279641d7cB37cDAF72B6D353aB58c4e004a4 on BSC Testnet.

It was working fine all the way until about 2 days ago. The events are definitely being fired because I can see them on etherscan. Would someone be able to assist? The server URL is https://eqigsrw0j462.usemoralis.com:2053/server.

Which event(s) is no longer syncing? Have you tried restarting your server?

Hi I haven’t. All events aren’t syncing. Should I try restarting the server? I had a bad previous experience restarting another server whereby it took a few days…

Restarting should only take a couple of minutes.

Thanks! The events have synced after restarting server