[SOLVED] Moralis Server Deprecated for pro plan

if you think it is an issue from mongo db then maybe try with a new database url.

what kind of new database url?

just like the mongodb database url. I think if you create a new database in mongodb you will get a new url

I am setting the server locally and seeing if anything happens, Also, can you guide me how to get the host and port for mongodb that is being used for migration of collections?

Check this video. It shows how to setop mongo bd

When I migrate my moralis db to mongo db through the demo migration project provided in the tutorial this comes

However, the collections are migrated in the mongodb, does this error bother because my db collections are migrated with this error as wellโ€ฆ

Topology closed error is like a timeout error. It occurs If your server was not able to react the mongodb.

Check if you need to whitelist your IP in mongodb. Since if IP is not allowed you cant conneect.

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Brother I am stuck on authenticating the user. I am authenticating the user like this:

      await Moralis.enableWeb3({
        qrModalOptions: {
          themeMode: 'dark',
          explorerRecommendedWalletIds: [
        projectId: 'xxxxxx',
        provider: 'walletconnect',
      await Moralis.authenticate({
        signingMessage: 'Authenticate',
        newSession: true,
        provider: 'walletconnect',
        chainId: 5,
        projectId: 'xxxx',
        rpcMap: {
          '5': 'https://rpc.walletconnect.com/v1/?chainId=eip155:5&projectId=xxx',
        qrModalOptions: {
          themeMode: 'dark',
          explorerRecommendedWalletIds: [
      }).then((user) => {
        console.log('USER from metamask:', user);

and I am getting this error on the server side:

And on the client side I am getting internal server error 500 against the user request with error code 1

POST https://ce04-101-53-234-134.ngrok-free.app/server/users 500 (Internal Server Error)

You have to replace the signingMessage value with the message from requestMessage cloud function. Can you try updating that.

Still the same error, how can I update the date and what should I put there in my server migration project inside authService.ts? I think that may resolve this issue

If you have cloned the latest selfhost server repository from github, you do not need to make any changes in the authService.ts. They must be already set to dynamic date value.

Are you sure that you are using the correct wallet to sign the message?
The account address mentioned in the requestMessage params should match with the wallet address which you are signing the message with.

This is how I am using that requestMessage, there is no wallet account mentioned in it?

      const { account, chainId } = Moralis;
      // @ts-ignore
      const { message } = await Moralis.Cloud.run('requestMessage', {
        address: account,
        chain: parseInt(chainId, 16),
        network: 'evm',

I tried to hardcode the account and do as you said but i keeps on giving the same error

Tried to encode an invalid date

Do you have your code deployed somewhere for testing?

Nope, my application is in production.

Client side or server side?

Client side code. I want to try login from my end

I can send you the function on discord, but I wonโ€™t be able to share the code because my application is in production

Ok np. In case you have made any modifications to the backend Moralis.Auth.requestMessage function params, can you share the updated params that are passed to the function?

I donโ€™t either know that this function exists in my server, where should I find this function in the backend?