[SOLVED] Moralis Server Deprecated for pro plan

Yes, you need to pass that data.

You can get it from the below code. So dont hardcode it.

const { account, chainId } = Moralis;

Okay let me get back to you after seeing what happens after the changes. Thankyou

@johnversus can you address this issue? how can I pass the message to signing message?

Can you show how your current auth code looks like

It looks like this (angular, IONIC)
Screenshot from 2023-11-09 14-47-24

It looks like a typescript error. You can ignore it in this case by adding a ts-ignore comment.

Getting this error after what you suggested

Are there any error logs in server console?

You are using .then so i think the error is expected. Remove .then as you already used await

I removed then part as you suggested, now its not giving error but its neither authenticating the user, it is stuck on the function and after waiting 2,3 mins it says this:

there is no request of authenticate in the network tab and no response either against the authenticate function.

this is the response of the server:

This is the server log while doing authentication

@johnversus my application is live and i need this issue fixed, guide me how I’ll be able to do the authentication and the server file uploading as it was being done on the moralis server

I did not understand which error you have issues with.

As per the server logs there is no error related to authentication. You can check your mongo database to know if the user session was updated in the db or not.

The error message in your browser looks like a customer error message from your code. Please try adding more logs to know what is causing this error on client side.

this is the request against going against users while authenticating


by running this code:

  let user = await Moralis.authenticate({
        qrModalOptions: {
          themeMode: 'dark',
          explorerRecommendedWalletIds: [
        provider: 'walletconnect',
        projectId: 'projectidofwalletconnet',
        signingMessage: message,

      console.log('user:', user);

and this is returning repose of error code 1, but the error in the response is not specified.
Status code is 500 (Internal server error)

@johnversus these are the errors from server side on authenticating user

@johnversus any update?

I dont know yet what is causing the errors.

have you tried running the server in localhost and using it in your frontend?
You can check if you are seeing same errors on localhost

I didn’t use the mongodb dump rather i exported all the collections from moralis server without indexing, can that be an issue?

I dont know what is throwing that error.