Hey I noticed issues today with Moralis API
It is showing incorrect data about my ERC1155 NFT contract
My theory is that the data about my NFT ERC1155 were incorrectly indexed
because they show incorrect amount for each token_id
some API calls i did:
it is on Avalanche fuji testnet
contract 0xbba97ea3912c598a39ce0802d5cd67dd3d873457
token ids: 0, 1, 2
the amount should be 200 for-each
but it is
amount 29
amount 1
amount 1
It was showing correct data on 30 Jan, 31 Jan, 1st Feb 2022 amount 200
The data are incorrect from 2nd Feb 2022
but what is even weirder in the API response:
synced_at is 2022-01-30T21:59:37.463Z
and I am 100% sure it was amount: 200 at Sunday the 30 of January
I even burned a token to kind of force the resync of contract indexing and I called /nft/{address}/sync
endpoint it is still synced at 2022-01-30