[SOLVED] Moralis Auth loses connection on page refresh

Hey guys,

I have used the code from Moralis to authorise users on my website (https://docs.moralis.io/docs/web3-parse-server-authentication). The code works perfectly, however upon refreshing the page, the button stops showing the connected address and the console doesn’t log the account connected.


    const { data: ownerWhoopys, isFetching: fetchingListedWhoopys, fetch } =
    useMoralisQuery("CreatedWhoopys", (query) =>
    query.matches("creatorAddress", account, 'i').limit(100).ascending("whoopyName"),

Any idea what the issue is?

That tutorial’s frontend doesn’t use moralis-v1 to connect with the Parse server so you won’t get a cached user. It just authenticates manually with the Auth API and displays the info - it doesn’t persist anywhere e.g. local storage or cookies.

You can look at the React migration client.

My authenticate button code is copied from there. Are there any specific changes I need to make? Or is there a way to simply store the info in local storage/cookies?

you can try to follow this tutorial:

and you will get to this authentication: https://docs.moralis.io/docs/connect-to-your-client#authentication

I’ve followed this tutorial and implemented everything successfully. This issue I believe (as @alex pointed out) is that users aren’t getting saved in local storage/cookies, and that’s why upon page refresh the info is lost.

As per this part in the docs: https://v1docs.moralis.io/moralis-dapp/users/current-user the user is usually cached in local storage. However, since I’m using AuthAPI, I don’t think this is happening.

Any idea how I can implement this?

are you sure that you used that tutorial that uses morals v1 sdk for authentication?

This is the code. I believe the issue is the server is using Moralis V2 for authentication. Currently the server is using Moralis.Auth. What is the equivalent of this in Moralis V1?


  import React, { useState } from 'react';
  import { useMoralis } from 'react-moralis';
  import Moralis from 'moralis-v1';
  interface AuthenticateModalProps {
    isOpen: boolean;
    onClose: () => void;
  export const AuthenticateModal = ({ isOpen, onClose }: AuthenticateModalProps) => {
    const { authenticate, enableWeb3 } = useMoralis();
    const [authError, setAuthError] = useState<null | Error>(null);
    const [isAuthenticating, setIsAuthenticating] = useState(false);
     * 1) Connect to a Evm
     * 2) Request message to sign using the Moralis Auth Api of moralis (handled on server)
     * 3) Login via parse using the signed message (verification handled on server via Moralis Auth Api)
    const handleAuth = async (provider: 'metamask' | 'walletconnect' | 'magicLink' | 'web3Auth' = 'metamask') => {
      try {
        // Enable web3 to get user address and chain
        await enableWeb3({ throwOnError: true, provider });
        const { account, chainId } = Moralis;
        if (!account) {
          throw new Error('Connecting to chain failed, as no connected account was found');
        if (!chainId) {
          throw new Error('Connecting to chain failed, as no connected chain was found');
        // Get message to sign from the auth api
        const { message } = await Moralis.Cloud.run('requestMessage', {
          address: account,
          chain: parseInt(chainId, 16),
          networkType: 'evm',
        // Authenticate and login via parse
        await authenticate({
          signingMessage: message,
          throwOnError: true,
      // } catch (error) {
      //   setAuthError(error);
      } finally {

SERVER SIDE (Moralis Eth Adapter)

// Note: do not import Parse dependency. see https://github.com/parse-community/parse-server/issues/6467
/* global Parse */
import Moralis from 'moralis';

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function validateAuthData(authData: any) {
  const { signature, data } = authData;

  return Moralis.Auth.verify({
    message: data,
    networkType: 'evm',
    .then((result) => {
      const authenticated = result.toJSON();

      authData.chainId = result.result.chain.decimal;
      authData.nonce = authenticated.nonce;
      authData.address = result.result.address.checksum;
      authData.version = authenticated.version;
      authData.domain = authenticated.domain;
      authData.expirationTime = authenticated.expirationTime;
      authData.notBefore = authenticated.notBefore;
      authData.resources = authenticated.resources;
      authData.statement = authenticated.statement;
      authData.uri = authenticated.uri;
      authData.moralisProfileId = authenticated.profileId;

    .catch(() => {
      // @ts-ignore (see note at top of file)
      throw new Parse.Error(Parse.Error.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, 'Moralis auth failed, invalid data');

SERVER SIDE (Moralis Eth Adapter)

import Moralis from 'moralis';
import { authRequests } from '../store';
import { ParseServerRequest } from '../utils/ParseServerRequest';

const serverRequest = new ParseServerRequest();

interface ParseUser {
  objectId: string;

export interface RequestMessage {
  address: string;
  chain: string;
  network: string;

const DOMAIN = 'defi.finance';
const STATEMENT = 'Please sign this message to confirm your identity.';
const URI = 'https://defi.finance';
const EXPIRATION_TIME = '2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z';
const TIMEOUT = 15;

export async function requestMessage({
}: {
  address: string;
  chain?: string;
  networkType: 'evm' | 'solana';
}) {
  if (networkType === 'evm' && chain) {
    return requestMessageEvm({ address, chain, networkType });
  if (networkType === 'solana') {
    return requestMessageSol({ address, networkType });
  throw new Error('Invalid network');

async function requestMessageEvm({
}: {
  address: string;
  chain: string;
  networkType: 'evm';
}) {
  const result = await Moralis.Auth.requestMessage({
    domain: DOMAIN,
    statement: STATEMENT,
    uri: URI,
    expirationTime: EXPIRATION_TIME,
    timeout: TIMEOUT,

  const { message, id, profileId } = result.toJSON();
  authRequests.set(message, { id, profileId });

  return message;

async function requestMessageSol({ address, networkType }: { address: string; networkType: 'solana' }) {
  const result = await Moralis.Auth.requestMessage({
    solNetwork: 'devnet',
    domain: DOMAIN,
    statement: STATEMENT,
    uri: URI,
    expirationTime: EXPIRATION_TIME,
    timeout: TIMEOUT,

  const { message, id, profileId } = result.toJSON();
  authRequests.set(message, { id, profileId });

  return message;

export interface VerifyMessage {
  network: string;
  signature: string;
  message: string;

export async function verifyMessage({ network, signature, message }: VerifyMessage) {
  const storedData = authRequests.get(message);

  if (!storedData) {
    throw new Error('Invalid message');

  const { id: storedId, profileId: storedProfileId } = storedData;

  const authData = {
    id: storedProfileId,
    authId: storedId,

  // Authenticate
  const user = await serverRequest.post<ParseUser>({
    endpoint: `/users`,
    params: {
      authData: {
        moralis: authData,
    useMasterKey: true,

  // Update user moralisProfile column
  await serverRequest.put({
    endpoint: `/users/${user.objectId}`,
    params: {
      moralisProfileId: storedProfileId,
    useMasterKey: true,

  // Get authenticated user
  const updatedUser = await serverRequest.get({
    endpoint: `/users/${user.objectId}`,
    useMasterKey: true,

  return updatedUser;

NOTE: This is the exact code from the tutorial.

do you have a session entry in the Session table in your parse dashboard interface for that user? is there a session token?

did you look in local storage to see if there is anything saved there?

I would expect this authentication function to handle more

Yes, I am getting session token, etc. Also, just checked my local storage and I do have the session details saved there. If this is the case, do you have any idea why I’m facing the issue mentioned in the original question?

I don’t know, if you have all that data in local storage then you should be able to get current user information.

Are you trying to get current user information?

So I got the issue. This issue is that isWeb3Enabled returns false after refresh. This is my handle auth function:

    const handleAuth = async (provider: 'metamask' | 'walletconnect' | 'magicLink' | 'web3Auth' = 'metamask') => {
      try {
        // Enable web3 to get user address and chain
        await enableWeb3({ throwOnError: true, provider });
        const { account, chainId } = Moralis;
        if (!account) {
          throw new Error('Connecting to chain failed, as no connected account was found');
        if (!chainId) {
          throw new Error('Connecting to chain failed, as no connected chain was found');
        // Get message to sign from the auth api
        const { message } = await Moralis.Cloud.run('requestMessage', {
          address: account,
          chain: parseInt(chainId, 16),
          networkType: 'evm',
        // Authenticate and login via parse
        await authenticate({
          signingMessage: message,
          throwOnError: true,
      // } catch (error) {
      //   setAuthError(error);
      } finally {

Any idea why web3 doesn’t remain enabled after refresh?

I don’t know, you can try to enable it again

it shouldn’t depend on if web3 is enabled or not if it reads the information from current saved user

I figured this out. The issue was enableWeb3 as I suspected. The answer was really simple though. I just used a useEffect:

    useEffect(() => {
      // to avoid problems in Next.JS apps because of window object
      if (typeof window == 'undefined') return;
      if (
          !isWeb3Enabled &&
          !isWeb3EnableLoading &&
      ) {
          enableWeb3({ throwOnError: true, provider: 'metamask' });
  }, [isWeb3Enabled, isWeb3EnableLoading, isAuthenticated]);
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