[SOLVED] Issue with server syncing BUSD events

I am facing issues with real time events. I created a second server for BUSD tokens. I have done the same steps which I did for BIRB token. I need to capture real time events happened on contract address,

In BUSD table I am not able to get any transaction data. Also the table structure is also not right.
I am sharing the screenshots below:

BUSD token, 0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56 address in particular, has 19+ million transactions. I would expect for historical sync to be disabled by default because it has too many transactions.

What event did you try to sync for BUSD?

I have disabled historical sync in both. I need to get transaction details from table. Same I have done for BIRB token. This works fine.
For BUSD I did not have ABI.json from contract. So I did use same Birb’s abi file. I got abi file from github for BUSD as well.
My question is table structure you create from ABI file we upload from sync and watch contract events or you use ABI file which we add at the time of contract instance initialization.

for the table structure it will use the abi that you upload from sync and watch contract events, this way you can rename the columns differently than what they were in the initial abi.

what event did you try to sync for BUSD?

I need real time transactions data. Transfer and Amount events I need to capture. I have used same ABI structure for both tokens. Still table structure I found difference for both tokens.

what is the topic and event ABI that you used for BUSD? those two tokens may not have same events

yes I also doubt this. For BIRB we had downloaded abi file from contract. But for BUSD I did not have. But now I have found it from github repo. This is valid ABI file from BUSD.
How should I add this in your table?

you should identify in that ABI what event/events you want to sync first
it looks like BUSD uses only Transfer event at a first look: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xe57d125f17116aa25b23208ad3eb4391edc0fb2193675b58b42e183e2e7e7a98#eventlog

There is no difference in ABI and structure is same what we have in BIRB token. I have downloaded ABI file from GitHub repo. BUSD valid ABI files has same events which BURB had. And in your sync option you accept only one event
Everything is correct. Something to do with your end. In dashboard under BUSD table I did not see any columns similar to BIRB.
I have to deliver this project. Please let me know if there is anything which i need to do. May be need to upgrade or take plan.
This is important for me to capture real-time events so I can get the data for realtime txs when user pays from their wallets.


What event in particular you need to sync for BUSD? I’ll try to do that sync to see if it works for me.

Ive just done it myself and it worked properly

Make sure you have the right ABI, correct address and disabled sync historical.

I have deleted BUSD server from my account. How did you check?

Kinldy share your table structure. Because the above step I also had done. It does not work. suppose I do any transaction from wallet. That particular BUSD tx data I should get here in table.

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Please double check . It works pretty fine.

Please remind that you are syncing ALL BUSD transfer events.

Yes, I am sorry this was my mistake. it worked for me now. Thank you so much for your support.

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