[SOLVED] Installing npm packages

The new documentation is confusing… I know we need to install moralis npm package but what about all these other ones that start with @moralisweb3?

Is there a list of all of these and what to use them for?

Hi @jins,

When we install moralis it also installs all the scoped @moralisweb3 packages.

Instead of installing the moralis package, you can also prefer to install only the code packages that you want to use, depending on which API product you are going to use.

You can find the documentation related to using the scoped packages in this URL path.

Hope this helps.

Please do share if you have any suggestions for improving the docs. Thank You.

Is there a list of the other available @moralisweb3 packages?

I saw one or two for streams, one for nextjs, one for eslint-config, etc.

and the packages like @moralisweb3/common-evm-utils, I assume aren’t included in moralis and they have extra APIs?

We do have these packages but they have a different purpose when compared with the core moralis API features.

  • @moralisweb3/client-firebase-auth - Required when using firebase with moralis in client side

  • @moralisweb3/client-firebase-auth-utils - Required for importing types

  • @moralisweb3/parse-server - Only required when you want to include streams feature in self hosted parse server

  • @moralisweb3/next - Next js API wrapper for v2 sdk. Mainly for client-side usage in next js framework.

@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils is available in latest moralis package. evm-utils and sol-utils are renamed as common-evm-utils and common-sol-utils

These are the ones that I know or are currently available. New client packages/wrappers might get added to this list, however, the core v2 API packages shown in this docs will remain the same.


Thanks for clarifying!

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