I’m quite new in web3 and IPFS, trying to understand that technologies using a course with NFT Marketplace but it’s 2 years old, so I found some difficulties in case of deprecation ipfs-http-client: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ipfs-http-client
, so I switch to kubo-rpc-client which has a quite similar functionality, and trying to use infura with that guide: https://docs.infura.io/networks/ipfs/how-to/make-requests#kubo-rpc-client
I solved the problem with loading an image on my dedicated gateway:
I have an example:
But I can’t render that image cuz of my error in Next.js app:
The requested resource isn’t a valid image for
received application/octet-stream`
I also tried MediaRenderer from @thirdweb-dev/react using this guide:https://blog.thirdweb.com/guides/how-to-render-ipfs-media-in-a-react-app/
with url like ipfs://<cid>
, for example:
Also using MediaRenderer I found out that image requested from <cidV1>.ipfs.cf-ipfs.com
like that https://bafybeihmstb4g5ns2hb77ixntytxskvpyzj2mzeu2k72dbnugqp2oj4epm.ipfs.cf-ipfs.com
but still on my Next.js app it has a white placeholder instead of an actual image.
I have a really simple question. How to render the image from file which stores on https://unsleeping.infura-ipfs.io/ipfs/<cid>
Can’t find any solution for that in 2023