[SOLVED] How To deploy the ethereum boilerplate with netlify

hi. I am Beginner and basically i cloned the Ethereum Boilerplate
now i want to deploy my project on netlify

but i become this error:

ailed during stage ‘Reading and parsing configuration files’:
When resolving config file /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml:
Base directory does not exist: /opt/build/repo/ethereum-boilerplate

what content do i have to provide in the netlify.toml file ?

Hi @Paperhands

Are you trying this using this page? Netlify has an option to deploy the boilerplate directly if you have cloned it already.

i saw you reply too late, but thank you anyway

i deployed now with heroku, but now i got the problem, that the wallet connect but show an error instead of connecting, what can i do?

What is the error? Can you please share more details

https://liquor-token-portfolio.herokuapp.com/Screenshot (1219)

Moralis api
next auth key

are set

now i got this error

[C0006] Request failed, Bad Request(400): domain must be a URL address, uri must be a URL address

Can you view server logs from netlify? We might need to more details on which part of code is causing the error

As per the error message it looks like wrong URL or Domain param values are passed to authentication function.

i use heroku and i dont know how to access their logs

but in case the
wrong URL or Domain param values are passed to authentication function.

how to fix this ?

Check which params you have passed to the Auth API functions. Make sure they are in correct format
Example of domain: moralis.io
Example if uri: https://moralis.io

it works now, the problem is solved thank you you are the best

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