[SOLVED] Goerli testnet authentication fails

Hello, I am trying to authenticate against a new Goerli testnet that I setup but the response is {“error”:“unauthorized”}


{“authData”:{“moralisEth”:{“id”:“0x1f357147c5c9c42422b0bcf17cf0df66a865f0c7”,“signature”:“0xcc68069e4565873767f54720aaea93aad22819e73a9e6a5fa067d45c3d3ed3ab512a555ccba6c468eab58398707c65286f7a57f8b262fbb1c7d1a71efdc4a97a1b”,“data”:“coin-fu\n\nId: e4PrCpBHdH43WZZTLiXfvVsW2x3Zumi9v4e8NF8C:1665262887497”}},"_ApplicationId":“e4PrCpBHdH43WZZTLiXfvVsW2x3Zumi9v4e8NF8C”,"_ClientVersion":“js1.8.0”,"_InstallationId":“a7ac88d1-1521-448e-944a-0fb79b1c1a51”}

The same auth code I am using works with Rinkeby and the Mainnet. I am not sure why this is failing on Goerli. Can you please advise?

Did you set the right application id?

Yes, e4PrCpBHdH43WZZTLiXfvVsW2x3Zumi9v4e8NF8C is the application Id and it is being sent with the request data.

…it was the wrong server url. It’s working now… sorry for wasting your time.