[SOLVED] Get transfers by wallet return non NFT transfers

We are getting non NFT transfers returned:

curl --request GET
–url ‘https://deep-index.moralis.io/api/v2/0x51B18cc7d8E27b9003c6acb405Ecf89e42dDe421/nft/transfers?chain=polygon&format=decimal&direction=both’
–header ‘X-API-Key: test’
–header ‘accept: application/json’

Returns 1 ERC1155 transfer which is ok. The other transactions are not NFT transfers. How can we stop receiving those transactions?

the other results seem to be from a contract that is a proxy that implemented erc165 interface, you could filter them our by that contract type erc165 if you want

that contract seems to be a contract that doesn’t follow the standards

Thanks for your reply. So ERC165 transactions are also NFT types as far as the API is concerned? Is odd because the contract referred to is an ERC20 token contract with some special functions. And yes we can filter the response to remove all ERC165 types.

ERC165 is the first interface implemented by NFT contracts, after that the contract can implement also ERC721 or ERC1155