[SOLVED] Filter smart contract events with variables options

Hello everyone,

I would like to filter events with a front-end given parameter. But in Moralis server panel, it look like I can only filter with static parameters.

The documention does not mention dynamic parameters here

Do this feature exist on Moralis or should I find an other way to filter those events ?

not sure what you want to do, after the events are synced in the database, you can query the database to do more filtering

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Ok, thank you, it seem I can just get new events, even if I check Sync Historical Data. Is there a way to force fetching onchain event data ?

you mean that you didn’t get historical data and only real time data?

in that case, I’ll need the server url.

Yes that’s it, only new events are synced in the database, old ones stay on chain so I can just fetch events from yesterday till now

you can try to restart/update your server

Ok good, it works after an update

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