[SOLVED] EthTransactions and similar tables aren't shown, problems with using ganache


Existing test server sync - no new transaction snyc of eth, nft - failed from yesterday. They worked well so far. So I’ve tested this with new server instance but also failed.

Test procedure,

  1. instantiate new server
  2. reset local dev chain with ganache-cli
  3. connect with frpc
  4. authenticate with Moralis SDK
  5. tried few transactions (Send ETH, on metamask, all transactions are ok)

Now, on dashboard, just show up _EthAddress, _Role, _Session, _User, _AddressSyncStatus only. There are no other tables like EthTransactions or so.

I’ve tried many times this but it failed.

Ganache options: ganache-cli --chainId 1337 -h -p 7545 -d -m “…”
Tested frpc: 0.38.0, 0.40.0
Tested core-service plugin: 1.0.171
Tested urls:

Let me know if there is a point I’ve missed. Thanks in advance!

what is the server that is connected now to ganache?

currently, ganache connected one is https://x4ab1osxramo.usemoralis.com:2053/server

it looks like it was a problem with local devchain processing.
can you try again now with a new server?

Got it, after trying with new server, I’ll report it again

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OK, it works now, so the problem looks like resolved :smiley:

Thanks for your continued support!

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Same issue occurs again, would you check?


Will I have to regenerate a new server again?

did you try to sync 1M blocks?

What do you mean ‘1M’ blocks? Isn’t there 5K limit for historical sync? And also there is just 2 accounts
with few transaction history. Anyway, the chain I wanna to sync is a fork of Polygon chain and now deployed 2 months ago.

So, there might be lots of blocks generated already. Would this be a problem as sync this as dev chain?

it could be a problem with syncing a fork of Polygon as a dev chain
it looks like it tried to sync 1M+ blocks by now

OK got it, it looks like trying to find out other solution. Is there any suggestion for syncing this kind of chain - forked one? Do I have to make my own index server for not supported chain? For example, fetching transaction history directly from chain db and insert into my own parse or mongo db for indexing?

I found out that forks are not supported for devchain.

You may have to use a server for that processing.

Got it, I’ll try. Thanks a lot!