[SOLVED] Eth Transaction table is not showing up in server dashboard, local ganache server

I have created a mainnet server in moralis and build a simple login page in react js to connect to the wallet. As soon as i connect to the wallet, the user table in the dashboard gets updated. It also shows my history of transaction. But when when I make any transaction for testing, the dashboard does not show any update. I also tried with ganache, imported an account in metamask and sent the token to another ganache account. But moralis dashboard does not show any update. I have followed the same steps as shown in the video provided in the documentation. Here is the link:

what can be the issue?

did you make 2-3 transactions and it didn’t work?

there is also a button now to reset the state for local devchain in admin interface, same tab where you can see if the proxy is connected to your local ganache instance

I made more than 2-3 transactions. But none of them are showing up in the dashboard.

I did not get about what reset button u are talking about.

admin interface -> server -> view details -> Devchain Proxy Server -> Status: DISCONNECTED RESET LOCAL CHAIN

you can use that reset local chain button, you can also see there if the proxy is connected or disconnected

I did not found Devchain Proxy Server. There are various details available including Server URL, Application ID, Master Key, Dashboard User: Dashboard Password: CLI API Key CLI API Secret: MongoDb IP:
but not Devchain Proxy Server

first, you have to create a dev/ganache server in order to see that.
you can use ganache only with a dev server, not with a testnet or mainnet server.

you can also look in documentation here: https://docs.moralis.io/moralis-dapp/web3/setting-up-ganache

I followed the steps provided in the video, but still did not found Devchain Proxy Server

what is the server url?

I made three servers, two mainnet and 1 local dev server. In one of the mainnet server, used my own wallet and it shows me the transaction history. In local dev server, i imported the account from ganache in metamask and made a tracnsaction to another account, same as shown in the video link that i have given in the question above. But still, the dashboard does not show up the eth transaction table

ok, that local dev server, you have to connect if first with frpc (a proxy) to your local ganache instance

and only on that server in settings you will see a tab specific to Devchain Proxy Server

lets suppose after connecting with frpc, the issue resolves, but it will only work for my ganache server. what about retrieving the real time transaction of my real metamask account into the moralis dashboard? I just want to see the real time transaction in the database with my real meta mask account.

what you mean by your real meta mask account? on what network you are making the transactions?

you will have to use a server specific to the network where you make the transactions (to add that EVM network to your server in EVM Configurations), to login with metaamsk or to add that address to watch, and that should be all

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The issue is solved now. Thanks a lot for your help:)

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