[SOLVED] Contract sync events


By default tables created for events syncing are completely permissive, read, write, edit can be done by anyone
Capture dโ€™eฬcran 2022-02-23 aฬ€ 16.20.38

When I tried to uncheck those to prevent from having malicious injected in the db, the sync process was not able to write in the DB anymore.

My question is what is the right config to avoid giving access to everyone, while still allowing the event to be added to the db by the sync process?

on a nitro server there should be a coresrevices role/user that needs access to those tables

Nitro server is the premium plan right?

no, nitro server is a new version of the server that user coreservices plugin, any new crated server is a nitro server

Fixed I had to manually add
Capture dโ€™eฬcran 2022-02-23 aฬ€ 17.20.41