[SOLVED] Cant make "Get NFTs by contract" return results

I see other people have encountered this issue before.

In the “Get NFTs by contract” call I enter my API key and a contract address which has minted NFTs (0x057427C9498464F2D031FC294F41d333C22c2790)

I tried with other contracts but none seems to work. Do you know why? Can you give an example of a contract that returns results?

Make sure you select the right chain for the contract. The API is returning results when mumbai is selected for that 0xe9484e91973ce219c40e0062ef4fa831017c91ea contract.

thanks for the reply. where can I select the chain?

On that documentation page you can change the chain under “QUERY PARAMS”. When you make an API request (either directly or with the Moralis SDK), the chain is changed as a parameter - you can check out the code samples on that page as well.

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