Hi there!
I have been successfully using the previous Moralis V1 SDK by simply including both the unpkg Moralis V1 script and the npm web3 inside a PHP page of a large project for authenticating users and displaying their NFTs.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/web3@latest/dist/web3.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/moralis-v1@latest/dist/moralis.js"></script>
// connect to Moralis server
const serverUrl = "https://fsuzdyamcfga.usemoralis.com:2053/server";
const appId = "4sdrxxxxxxxxxcbQ";
const masterKey = "LVxxxxxxxxxetd";
const moralisSecret = "HtTxxxxxxxxUf";
Moralis.start({ serverUrl, appId, masterKey });
Since there is no for V2, how can I continue using these Moralis features in my PHP site? Do I need to self-host the new Moralis SDK and call it somehow? I am sure many others where using the script with simple javascript to access such features and can’t find any workaround. Thanks in advance!