Hi, I’m trying the following tutorial
But I’m receiving an error
" namespace name ‘Models’ does not exist in the namespace ‘Moralis’ (are you missing an assembly reference?)"
I have added the Moralis library to the application
using Moralis;
using Moralis.Web3Api.Models;
namespace ConsoleDemo
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length < 2)
Console.Write("Usage: ConsoleDemo.exe ADDRESS CLIENT_ID");
string address = "########";
ChainList chainId = ChainList.eth;
// Setup Moralis Client
**MoralisClient.ConnectionData = new Moralis.Models.ServerConnectionData()**
ApiKey = "#####"
Task.Run(async () =>
await DisplayCryptoData(address, chainId);
internal static async Task DisplayCryptoData(string address, ChainList chainId)
Console.WriteLine($"For address: {address}...\n");
// Load native balance for address
NativeBalance bal = await MoralisClient.Web3Api.Account.GetNativeBalance(address, chainId);
double nativeBal = 0;
double.TryParse(bal.Balance, out nativeBal);
Console.WriteLine($"Your native balance is {bal.NativeTokenBalance}");
// Load ERC20 Token List for address
List<Erc20TokenBalance> erc20Balnaces = await MoralisClient.Web3Api.Account.GetTokenBalances(address, chainId);
Console.WriteLine("\n\nYour ERC 20 Tokens:");
if (erc20Balnaces != null && erc20Balnaces.Count > 0)
// Print out each token with symbol and balance.
foreach (Erc20TokenBalance tb in erc20Balnaces)
Console.WriteLine($"\t{tb.Symbol} - {tb.Name}: {tb.NativeTokenBalance}");
// Load first 10 NFTs for the address
NftOwnerCollection nfts = await MoralisClient.Web3Api.Account.GetNFTs(address, (ChainList)chainId, "", null, 10);
Console.WriteLine("\n\nYour NFTs:");
if (nfts != null && nfts.Result.Count > 0)
// Print out each token with symbol and balance.
foreach (NftOwner nft in nfts.Result)
Console.WriteLine($"\t{nft.Name}: {nft.Amount}\n\tMetaData: {nft.Metadata}\n\n");
catch (Exception ex)