[SOLVED] Blind auction frontend?

Is there an example for a blind auction frontend?
If not, which framework, tool (working tutorial) woudl be the easiest to
implement one?
I just want authenticate, commit a bid, and at one point ā€œrevealā€
Thank you

You could use NextJS if you are familiar with react or JavaScript: https://docs.moralis.io/web3-data-api/quickstart-nextjs

I started with the nextjs_moralis_auth project.
Everything works fine on Brave, but on Chrome I get this immediately after clicking on ā€œAuthenticate via Metamaskā€:

Unhandled Runtime Error

Error: invalid address (argument=ā€œaddressā€, value="", code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=address/5.7.0)

Call Stack

node_modules@ethersproject\logger\lib.esm\index.js (224:0)


node_modules@ethersproject\logger\lib.esm\index.js (233:0)


node_modules@ethersproject\logger\lib.esm\index.js (236:0)


node_modules@ethersproject\address\lib.esm\index.js (94:0)


node_modules@wagmi\core\dist\getProvider-5b4b62c3.esm.js (590:21)

async MetaMaskConnector.connect

node_modules@wagmi\core\connectors\metaMask\dist\wagmi-core-connectors-metaMask.esm.js (91:0)

async connect

node_modules@wagmi\core\dist\wagmi-core.esm.js (424:0)

it looks like the address was not set, was the metamask extension loaded at that time?

THe problem is when this line is called:
const { account, chain } = await connectAsync({ connector: new MetaMaskConnector });

Funny thing it only happens with Chrome, Brave works fine
Tried to reinstall MM for Chrome, nothing.
I havenā€™t changed anything from the original tutorial.

Maybe I will try next the web3auth example:

Unfortunately that page (also) has a broken link:
ā€œYou can start this tutorial if you already have a NextJS dapp with MetaMask sign-in functionality.ā€ has a ink to:

Hey there,

instead of MetaMaskConnector did you try to use InjectedConnector instead?

Also thanks for the heads up on the broken link, weā€™ll make sure that it get fixed! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Honestly, I was hoping for a quick fix to my problem, instead of going to a different route, since it looks like a minor(?) problem.
But I may have to pick a different approach (just need a working tutorial)
Thank you anyway.

So just to clarify whether the issue has been fixed on your end?

No, unfortunately not.

I thought I found something, but noā€¦

Hmmm do you have Metamask btw on your Chrome when authenticating? Just making sure

Based on your error, looks like something is invalid of your address :thinking: so that could be potential issue

It must be something with my MM in Chrome.
I can go to a different computer w Chrome w MM and reach this one, working fine.
So it is an issue with this particular workstationā€™s settings

Solved: reinstalled Chrome

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