I was having trouble finding a solution for comparing dates in aggregates for Moralis. It seems to give incorrect results when using $lte and $gte. Code that works in regular MongoDB breaks for Moralis. I did come up with a solution, included below, for those that were also banging their head against a wall.
For example:
I have two Date columns “start” and “end”.
I have let now = new Date();
let pipeline = [ { match : { $expr : { $lte: [ "$start", now ] } } } ];
where half of documents have a start less than now,
returns 0 results.
let pipeline = [ { match : { $expr : { $gte: [ "$end", now ] } } } ];
where half of documents have an end greater than now,
returns all results (including incorrect ones).
The solution:
let now = new Date().getTime();
let pipeline = [ { match : { $expr : { $lte: [ { $toLong: "$start" }, now ] } } } ];
let pipeline = [ { match : { $expr : { $gte: [ { $toLong: "$end" }, now ] } } } ];
Or, in my specific case where I want to check that today is between the start and end dates:
let pipeline = [ {
match : {
$expr : {
$and: [
{ $lte: [ { $toLong: "$start" }, now ] },
{ $gte: [ { $toLong: "$end" }, now ] }
} } } ];
In conclusion, the trick is to get the current date as a timestamp (using getTime()), and do the same with the Date column (using $toLong), and compare that with $lte and $gte instead.
I hope this helps someone else having trouble with Dates in aggregates.
P.S.: In case someone ends up here having trouble comparing to createdAt or updatedAt, that wasn’t my issue here but I see posts saying to try created_at or updated_at.
P.P.S.: If this has been solved elsewhere on this forum, my apologies. I couldn’t find it.