Server error on my exchange dashboard

server error massage came up agian 5 days after every thing return back up and running again
it has been on and off ever since i subscribe to this pro plan April 25

could it be that this error message is hardcoded or from a different service?

we don’t return this particular error message in our API

so were could this server error massage came out from?

I don’t know, maybe you are using other API services too?

we are using

we’ve contacted other API service providers and they said everything is working find
But then can you check for me on the moralis details weither i have exceeded any limits ?

what should i do next to get this issue sorted out please

I checked and you reached the limit only few times

then what is the essence of my pro plan subscription

this is very bad experience for me so what can i do to resolve this error

I don’t think that the error is from Moralis.

how can i proffer a solution to this please

somehow we should identify what url was used when you got that error

Is there any possibility of getting this resolved please

Curious, do you have a self hosted server? I got a rate limit the other day and I was under the assumption it was coming from my server, not the api as I haven’t come anywhere near the api limits.

If you do self host there are environment variables which seem to be related to redis for:


But what variables should we put

Please kindly guide me to figure out this issue please

I have no idea what your app would need, its really dependent on the number of requests you make to the server.

These are defaults I have in my server’s .env file are, but I hit a limit the other day when I made several requests to the server in rapid succession.


I believe these are per user limits. So I think an authenticated user can make 50 requests to the server every 30 seconds, and non-authenticated can make 20 requests to the server every 30 seconds.

Based on your error though Im not sure this is the issue. It has nothing to do with any plan. Its to resolve Rate limit exceeded errors from the server.

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