Server deprecated


Earlier in my account there is option to create a new Dapp Server
Now there is no option i know that you deprecated the dapp services from the free account.

is there any other way i can use that functionality and how ?


Hello, we have deprecated the moralis managed servers, for now Pro accounts can keep an already existing server for longer if they pay $99/month per server.


If i use self hosted server on my local… how i can use sync user wallet functionality
can you please explain


you can use streams API for syncing transactions or events, depending on what backend you are going to use there may already be an example on how to do it

can you please provide link ?

this is if you want to use Parse Server in backend

Hello i setup the self hosted server and link that streams webhook with moralis dashboard stream but not getting any notification

Can you please help to debug this issue


in the moralis dashboard shows me streams event but when i checked in the ngrok server i didnt get any notification

what exactly did you do?

Hello CryptoKid

I run self hosted server (parse-server) on my local and on other side i run command ngrok http 1337 and get the new route url and use new-route-url/streams for getting events and save them on mongo and everything is working fine

Now when i deployed the self-hosted-server on aws ubuntu and use the ip/streams in the moralis dashboard as streams webook url it throwning an error Could not POST to - Request failed with status code 401. Please check your webhook URL.

Can you please check ?

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