Self-hosting your Moralis server

still not working

small update. I used the address from
const { walletAddress, chainId} = useMoralisDapp();

it is requesting to sign now. However I have problems with others

this is NativeBalance hook

import { getNativeByChain } from “helpers/networks”;

import { useMoralisDapp } from “providers/MoralisDappProvider/MoralisDappProvider”;

import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from “react”;

import { useMoralis, useMoralisWeb3Api, useMoralisWeb3ApiCall } from “react-moralis”;

export const useNativeBalance = (options) => {

const { account } = useMoralisWeb3Api();

const { Moralis } = useMoralis();

const { chainId, walletAddress } = useMoralisDapp();

const [balance, setBalance] = useState({ inWei: 0, formatted: 0 });

const nativeName = useMemo(() => getNativeByChain(options?.chain || chainId), [options, chainId]);

const {

fetch: getBalance,




} = useMoralisWeb3ApiCall(account.getNativeBalance, {

chain: chainId,

address: walletAddress,



useEffect(() => {

if (data?.balance) {

  const balances = {

    inWei: data.balance,

    // missing second argument (decimals) in FromWei function,

    formatted: Moralis.Units.FromWei(data.balance),




// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

}, [data]);

return { getBalance, balance, nativeName, error, isLoading };


does this code need to be modified too?

You’re getting these errors after you authenticate?

If it’s before, it may be related to this issue.

can you explain what ‘x-parse-application-id’ and ‘appidhere’ are? I will try to see if that fixes it

in my .env for self server app id =001

Yes you would put in your own server’s appId. x-parse-application-id is the name of the header that is needed to get past the unauthorized (403 Forbidden) issue if you are not authenticated.

I am not sure if that issue is related to yours exactly but you can try it.

it worked! thanks for the help! I am having another issue a bit unrelated I created another issue


In my cloud functions, there is a param which is array of string. (request.params.pendingSlots)

Parse.Cloud.define(‘startBattle’, async (request: { user: { get: (arg0: string) => any; }; params: { wallet: string; mainOwner: any; lang: string; roosterId: string; pendingSlots: string[]; }; }) …

however, when I read it in the function, it becomes string. For example (I used Postman):

request.params.pendingSlots = [“142218”, “0”, “0”, “0”,“0”, “0”, “0”]

–> it returns request.params.pendingSlots[2] = 1 which is the second character, not the second item in the array

Am I sending Post request incorrectly via Postman? or how should I modify the cloud function declaration?


I don’t know about the function declaration, all parameters are found in request, you can use console.log(JSON.stringify(request)) to see how it looks

all the parameters should be in a json format that you can parse in order to extract the data

maybe you have to do a json parse for that request.params.pendingSlots in order to get the list

Hi Team, I have my dApp on the free plan and looking to self host the server and migrate all functionalities currently we are using in the application. Will there be any issues in working on the migration past Dec 1st?

the server will be archived on 1 December, you can do a backup of the database before that, and for all the settings that you have or cloud code

I got “Parse.bulkUpdateMany is not a function” in the cloud functions. How should I update this function?


you could connect directly to mongo db now too from cloud code in order to run a bulk update


So, there isn’t a equivalent function to do bulkUpdateMany in the Parse object?

  • And how to “connect directly to mongodb from cloud code”? Do you have an example?


there isn’t an equivalent for that in the Parse sdk, you connect directly by importing mongo db and using it

similar to how it is used here

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Some wallets is receiving this error message while logging in “invalid session token”, while most of the wallets can login successfully.

If the error wallet logs in to the current Moralis Server, it works normally.

What should be the problem?


is anything specific to those wallets? did you delete anything from user table and from ethAddress table before?

those wallets that don’t work, do they have data in ethAddress table or in User table?

if you try to delete a user you have to delete from both User table and from ethAddress table


I haven’t imported ethAddress table to the new database yet. Those wallets that work, they can login without the ethAddress table :slight_smile:

Do we really need to import ethAddress table? I don’t see it is generated in the self-hosted server.

you don’t need to import it

any difference between a wallet that works and one that doesn’t work?
if you look in network tab do you see any difference?

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bro please can you help me im having the exact same issue

im having this issue when i self host my server i honestly dont know whats wrong already upgraded my account still im confussed