Self-hosting your Moralis server

try to add more logging to see where it stops

I am getting this

this shouldn’t be related to authentication in particular, are you using moralis-v1 1.12.0?

can you try with instead of localhost there in your react app settings for the server url?

ok. I figured out where it is stopping, here

but it is not throwing an error

It looks like the code is catching that error

how can I fix this error? this is the Moralis I installed via npm

Hi Team, I was using cloud functions and sendgrid integration to send emails using Moralis server. Will that work in the same way with the parse server or do I have to do any changes? Please advice. Thank you

you will have to adapt the cloud code, mainly to use Parse.Cloud instead of Moralis.Cloud, for send grid, you can use sendgrid directly in your cloud code, you can import any external library in your cloud code when you self host

I am still struggling about how to fix the error?

There is this catch, you can try to add a console log to see the error

ok I logged it :
Error: Connecting to chain failed, as no connected account was found
at handleAuth (Account.jsx:47:1)

this line seems to be the issue :
const { account, chainId } = Moralis;

Where from is that line? I would not expect it to work like that

this page on moralis documentation , I am using react

is this link not up-to-date?

Yes the code in that link works. Which version of moralis and react-moralis are you using? How have you imported Moralis?

I am using moralis-v1 from here

and not sure how to check the version of react-moralis but it is from the boilerplate here

and this is my import

You can check your package.json file - this is where all your project’s dependencies are.


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Try importing Moralis like this:

import Moralis from 'moralis';

To use moralis-v1, you would need to update to [email protected] but this may break the boilerplate because it’s quite outdated.