
some transactions which are confirmed on bsc testnet but not getting any notification of the events on the webhook url can you please check


Can you give more info? What is the stream id? How can I identify what to check?

stream id: 213967e9-0441-4219-a186-f465fb088180

we are going to investigate

can you try to make another transaction?

I did a native transaction to your stream address and it worked

@cryptokid am using parse server for streams webhook url
the transaction you did it wasn’t save in the mongo DB


that is a different issue, you can add some logging to see what happens with that transaction in the parse server
can you try to make another transaction just to see if it is making a webhook request to the webhook url?

ok let me try again and check

Hello @cryptokid
can you please tell where i write console so that every transaction object is shown to me


You can check this thread

Hello @cryptokid

today i face when one issue i triggered an contract method on polygon chain
its not received on streams but when i open moralis dashboard and update the stream from active to pause and pause to active

and then again call the method and receive new event

we have to do it again every time for listening new events ?

you shouldn’t have to do that unless the stream was in an error state previously, if the stream is in active state then you don’t have to do anything, it should work

Then can you please check on this account
whats was the issue before

Hello @cryptokid

today i triggered again one transaction on BSC Testnet chain and already added console so in parser server event listen but didn’t save in mongo DB

Can you please tell me why ?

i am using this one demo

@cryptokid can you please tell me how i can debug the issue of not saving transaction in the mongo DB which i setup in config file

please reply @cryptokid

how did you try to debug it? are you able to see now the incoming webhook requests?

yes i debug it with incoming webhook requests but it didnt save the data and added
this code in parse server index.js file
const custom = (req: any, res: any, next: any) => {
const { txs: transactions, logs } = req.body
console.log({ transactions, logs });


to check the logs

ok, this code I guess that skips the original handler for events

you can look in this code and try to patch it, it is not going to be easy as it is in a library