Try with a complete request with postman. Did you set the api key?
yes i set the api key in the parse server env file
how can i debug the parse server is working or not
Try to add logging server side to see the request and what gappens
You can find examples on other forum posts
This may help
i found the issue
but sometimes Streamed events is too slow
You mean that is a delay from when the block happened and when you receive the webhook request?
How late did you get it? You will get an event twice, once as unconfirmed fast and once as confirmed late.
i transferred some testnet matic to the addresses for whom i am checking the events 10 mins ago but still not getting any events till now
it has to be a different issue if it never made it, you can check the history/stats in the docs interface to see if there is more info
if we use streams how much chances that events missed from parse server ?
the events should not be missed, something else happens there if you didn’t receive the event
can you give more context, about what is missing?
some transactions which are confirmed on bsc testnet but not getting any notification of the events on the webhook url can you please check
Can you give more info? What is the stream id? How can I identify what to check?
stream id: 213967e9-0441-4219-a186-f465fb088180
we are going to investigate