Self-Hosted Moralis Server Auth Issue

Hello there,
I created a Moralis V1 Self Hosted Server using this tut ( The server seems to be working fine. Nevertheless, when I try to connect my client (frontend react application) to the server, I get an authentication error. The server requires the client to first be ā€œauthenticatedā€ using a signature from the wallet.

My question: What exactly is the reason for the mandatory authentication using the wallet signature? Moralis servers from the admin dashboard donā€™t require authentication either? Can it be turned off? I want to connect my frontend to the server as if I was connecting to a Moralis server from the dashboard (only providing an app id and server url), is that possible?

I donā€™t know why you get an authentication error, what it says in that authentication error?

It just returns a json object saying error unathorized. But I am fairly convinced that is due to the client not being authorized using the Auth-API. I was wondering if there is a way to circumvent that?

maybe you can do more debugging

To test can you please try cloning the two repos for the server and client, copy over your existing .env files and install.

If that doesnā€™t work, it may be an issue with your variables or setup of MongoDB/Redis.

if I was connecting to a Moralis server from the dashboard (only providing an app id and server url)

Yes thatā€™s done through the MoralisProvider. The React client demo just uses authentication for demonstration, you can customize it if you donā€™t want to use Auth API.