Seems moralis doesn't have pending info?

I’ve found this topic had been asked before ( forum(dot)moralis(dot)io/t/getpendingtransactions-error/1577 ), but no valid answer:

I specifically need “getPendingTransactions a.k.a. eth_pendingTransactions” endpoint for BSC.

however, the solution described in that answer, is subscribe(“pendingTransactions”) . But as you see in the links of their doc pages,the first one provides promise of full object/info, while the latter one only provide transaction hashes.

I want to know if Moralis has the first endpoint working somehow, as I couldnt get it working with the code:
setInterval( async function(){ web3.eth.getPendingTransactions().then(console.log); }, 1000);

as it always returns empty array.

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txpool_content could be an option, but that call is not whitelisted now on our nodes

the only option that I know now that works with Moralis speedy nodes is to subscribe to pendingTransactions

So, no way to achieve what I want with moralis. pitty. just getting only transaction hashes (individual hash needs then separate call to get their information, is overkill. as there are 100’s of hashes coming each second).

yes, I don’t know of an easy way to do that.
but if you had a function to get the entire list of transactions, wouldn’t you want to call that function a lot of times in a second so what you have new information up to date?

actually, i need transaction details (from/to properties) which is obtained in “eth_pendingTransactions” call. that way, i will not need to call individually 100’s of ‘getTransaction(txHash)’ function, which is the way to get transaction details if I will go with “subscribe(pendingTransactions)” as this last one only provides transaction hashes, which will need making 100’s of requests in each second to just get basic transaction properties.
hope you understand what I mean.
many thanks for answers.

do you know what particular call to the eth node this function would use?


I have the same need, idea is to analyse each pending transaction to identify the sender address and look what happen.