Seeking advice on bulk api requests / nft price lookup

As part of our POC, the PM on this project asked for a ā€œsimple featureā€ that displays totalized token and nft value upon connecting up. So in simple terms, Iā€™m being asked to get a sum for the owners nfts and other misc tokens and display them in the userā€™s dashboard of our project (ideally in ETH or USD currency).

Wasnā€™t a big deal until we connected a live wallet with 1k NFTS. The code was extremely slow due to the nftPrice lookups. I agree there are many problems with this and its a rather silly feature to implement.

is there another endpoint that, by default, includes the price? if not, any recommendations on how I can solve this?

to give a little bit a backstory on this, our PM saw etherscanā€™s ā€œtokenholdingsā€ route on the main site and decided we needed to display a total value for the walletā€™s assets like they do. ;-/

nftPrice lookups

What sort of lookups or endpoints are you using? If the NFT price is from a marketplace like OpenSea (where the price is set), you can use the marketplace API for a use case like this.

our PM saw etherscanā€™s ā€œtokenholdingsā€ route on the main site and decided we needed to display a total value for the walletā€™s assets like they do

Chain explorers like etherscan are quite big systems with a lot of data involved - you will need to explain itā€™s not feasible to just easily copy any feature found on there.