Running Multiplayer Playground - RunContractFunction failed with HTTP status InternalServerError

I followed the documentation (Moralis NodeJS SDK) for the sample game and the instruction inside the project :

I deployed my smart contract for this project but I think to know where to put the smart contract informations,
I also setup Playfab extension in my project,
:white_check_mark: I can run the project when The Game Service type is in : ā€œLocal Disk Storageā€
:x: I canā€™t run the project when The Game Service type is : ā€œContractā€
I canā€™t click on the button 'Play Game"

getIsRegistered RunContractFunction() FAILED, result = UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) MoralisUnity.Samples.Shared.Debugging.UnityEngineDebug:LogError (object) (at Assets/Moralis/Shared/Scripts/Runtime/Debugging/Debug.cs:59) MoralisUnity.Samples.Shared.Data.Types.Contract/<RunContractFunctionAsync>d__16:MoveNext () (at Assets/Moralis/Shared/Scripts/Runtime/Data/Types/Contract.cs:99) Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.CompilerServices.AsyncUniTask2<MoralisUnity.Samples.Shared.Data.Types.Contract/d__16, string>:Run () (at `

The circular structure error is usually when you have passed in parameters incorrectly. When exactly do you get this error in the game?

Make sure your code more or less matches that repo.

My code match with that repo because Iā€™m using that repo without extra changes, I only follow the documentation, I donā€™t want to waste your time (and I hope you are doing the same)

The issue happen after the metamask connection

I will try on my end to see if I can reproduce your issue.

Iā€™m not seeing this configuration in the Moralis tutorials, can you outline where this is? Have you done anything else differently that isnā€™t covered in the tutorials?

Iā€™m sharing a screenshot of when he is talking about this configuration in the Moralis tutorial

Iā€™m ā€œonlyā€ doing what he covered in the tutorial.

I can reproduce the boolean error with Contract (this is the default option so I assume itā€™s meant to work with no other changes) - I will try to find the issue.

Okay thank you, looking forward to hear from you

After switching my MetaMask walletā€™s chain to Mumbai to match the smart contract, I didnā€™t get those RunContractFunction errors when authenticating.

Hey, I came across with the same error, it works for the LAN configuration but not for the contract one, I just registered, but it wonā€™t allow me to hit the play button. What is happening?

Hey @salka,

I recommend that you create a new thread with more of your details so we can help you on a case-by-case basis. Your problem might not be the same as others.

Iā€™ll be closing this thread now.