reSyncMetadata API is not working for dynamic NFT

tl;dr, reSyncMetadata API seems only update content metadata when token_uri changed?

I’ve deployed a dynamic NFT in Rinkeby. metadata served from my custom server like this
For example token #104 metadata should be link with and content should be

  "name": "Shark Bom Bom #104",
  "description": "Shark Bom Bom #104",
  "image": "",
  "edition": 104,
  "attributes": [
    { "trait_type": "背景", "value": "漸層桃紅" },
    { "trait_type": "手部", "value": "機關槍" },
    { "trait_type": "身體", "value": "金屬裝甲" },
    { "trait_type": "眼睛", "value": "銳利" },
    { "trait_type": "頭髮", "value": "黃色珊瑚礁" },
    { "trait_type": "嘴巴", "value": "橘唇微笑" },
    { "trait_type": "衣服", "value": "棕色貴族西裝" },
    { "trait_type": "配件", "value": "半掛耳機" },
    { "trait_type": "🦈 卡片等級", "value": "SS級頂卡" },
    { "trait_type": "🦈 萬寶華人才資料庫", "value": "永久服務" },
    { "trait_type": "🦈 專屬顧問諮詢", "value": "永久服務" },
    { "trait_type": "🦈 名人講座", "value": "不定期舉辦" },
    { "trait_type": "🦈 主題性聚會", "value": "不定期舉辦" },
    { "trait_type": "🦈 職涯/情感諮商", "value": "三次" },
    { "trait_type": "🦈 妝髮形象照", "value": "三次" },
    { "trait_type": "🦈 分潤", "value": "💎 3%" },
    { "trait_type": "🦈 豪華露營", "value": "二次" }

here is the result from Opensea
and I always get outdated metadata from getNFTMetadata API

the details of NFT
network: Rinkeby
contract address: 0x3B1189261e0b94B723e6827EC2fb3A60c1C09B83
token id: 104

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we will check, it looks like I still don’t get the latest metadata now

Is there an update? It still doesn’t work.

We still have to investigate more. If the metadata contains only ascii characters then it works as expected?

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