Remove sign mwssage moralis authenticate and id *****

I need your help
I want a sign confirmation message in my application to connect to my wallet
This means that the worker only needs to confirm once

Hey @armanprsuos it’s not necessary to using the signing, you can use enableWeb3 instead if that’s what you want, but you might not get access to the DB object as the user didn’t sign.

For more info, check here:

My goal is to disable the Signature Request page for the user, ie the user will connect with only one confirmation
I did what you suggested
await Moralis.enableWeb3 ({chainId: 56});
But it shows me nothing

it doesn’t have to show something if metamask was already loaded, you can try to get the eth address of the wallet after you use Moralis.enableWeb3 to see if it works

If you want to connect your user to Moralis Database and backend - they have to sign a message

You can also use web3 just locally in browser without signing message