Remix compile error SPDX-License-Identifier [SOLVED]

Uncheck the Generate contract metadata

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Actually it’s just warnings, which don’t have any affect to your contract. If you don’t have errors which don’t allow you to deploy contract - you can deploy it. I suggest you to start using truffle. We have nice tutorials about deployung using truffle:

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I will check tomorrow. Thank you my friend

We must be able to create my contract.
Because this contract blocks malicious robots and is very smart

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Did you successfully create my contract?

This sounds to me like there was an error when trying to estimate the gas it takes to deploy the contract.
You can try to deploy it on test net first to see if it works.

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I did it in the test net


If you can, copy this token contract and create the contract

this is on main net:

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I copied the contract from this token

What is the problem? If the contract has been deployed to the mainnet, then there are no problems in it.

You have this error because you are trying to deploy to testnet contract for the mainnet. For example:

IUniswapV2Router02 _uniswapV2Router = IUniswapV2Router02(0x05fF2B0DB69458A0750badebc4f9e13aDd608C7F);

You can’t use mainnet addresses on testnet

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Thank you very much :blossom:
I made the contract :star_struck:

Now if the purchase is made
Zero tokens are sent

How can I disable this feature?

Does anyone know how to use this panel?

I guess that you put a parameter and click on function name to make a blockchain transaction with that function and parameters.

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Transaction Hash: (set LiquidityFeePercent)

This the transaction sample is registered. Can you get its parameter?

parameter = 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c
meaning 12 maybe
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transact to BabyADA.setLiquidityFeePercent errored: Error encoding arguments: Error: invalid BigNumber string (argument=“value”, value=“000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c”, code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=bignumber/5.4.1)

The first code worked. I extracted the second code myself
Gave an error

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You can also try to execute directly from bscscan that function, from write contract tab.
Maybe you have to put only 12 and not that big string.


I entered several types of parameters.It was done but it did not work

Currently, if someone makes a purchase, they will be given zero number

We need to understand how it is activated.
This contract is very smart :slightly_smiling_face:
Blocks robots,I hope someone can decrypt…

Hey @Diamond

We are ready to help you with solving problems, but we cannot make a smart contract for you or study its work and then tell its operating principle. It is a long and hard work that requires attention and time. You need to do your own research :raised_hands:

We are ready to help, but we need a detailed description of the problem and information about the attempts made :man_mechanic:

Please open a new thread for your question, closing this thread as it’s a separate issue.

Let’s keep 1 thread = 1 issue so its easy to find solutions for future users :raised_hands: