Realtime transactions of Ropsten Testnet to moralis database

I want to add realtime transactions data of ropsten to moralis database, I have followed the Ivan tutorial of realtime transactions. It work perfect with ganache but, I wanna use ropsten. could you please guide me how to get the realtime transactions of ropsten testnet. I may need server_addr, server_port of ropsten. Thank you in advance!

Is the Moralis server configured for Ropsten on creation?

No, I have used devchain at the time of configuration. Now, I have start another server with ropsten configured on that and its working perfect, Thanks for your help.
I have another relatable question for you Nicholas! Moralis is providing support for ganache, hardhat and rospten, How can I connect other testnets like (kovan, Rinkeby) more specifically Custom RPC.

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Happy that you got it working!
At the moment Moralis does not support other networks than the ones in the list.

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Thank you for guiding me! :slight_smile: stay blessed!

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