React Moralis - How to get ethers from Moralis.web3Library


The Moralis documents says that we can get access to the Ethers.js library that Moralis is using by doing:
const ethers = Moralis.web3Library

But how can we do this in react-moralis? I have tried:
const {web3Library, web3} = useMoralis();

But web3Library is ā€œundefinedā€

Iā€™m not finding the web3 object useful as well as itā€™s just the Web3Provider for ethers.js and I cant work with ā€œutilitiesā€ (like BigNumber) or ā€œcontract interactionā€.

Prior to the upgrade to ethers I used to work with BN like so web3.utils.BN;

But I really would like to use ethers.

Can you please let me know how to access to the Ethers.js library from React Moralis?


ethers is the default :raised_hands: I believe if you use web3 from useMoralis itā€™ll be the ethers provider instead of web3js

also yes web3Library will be undefined as it is something from Moralis object, which you can get here

const { Moralis } = useMoralis();

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