We believe that we are incorrectly being throttled and that the limits being returned to us in the error response are incorrect. We are paying for the pro plan and our code makes a series of requests to the GetNFTOwners endpoint via Moralis SDK (Moralis.Web3API.token.getNFTOwners). We are seeing the following in our logs:
2022-04-07T18:45:12.025Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making first Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544
2022-04-07T18:45:12.618Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 and page number 0
2022-04-07T18:45:13.155Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 and page number 1
2022-04-07T18:45:13.616Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 and page number 2
2022-04-07T18:45:14.441Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 and page number 3
2022-04-07T18:45:14.956Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 and page number 4
2022-04-07T18:45:15.463Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 and page number 5
2022-04-07T18:45:15.897Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 and page number 6
2022-04-07T18:45:17.825Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 and page number 7
2022-04-07T18:45:18.858Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 and page number 8
2022-04-07T18:45:19.456Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 and page number 9
2022-04-07T18:45:19.828Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e INFO Making Moralis API request for contract 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 and page number 10
2022-04-07T18:45:19.860Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e ERROR There was an error getting nft owner data from Moralis for 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544 at cursor eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ3aGVyZSI6eyJ0b2tlbl9hZGRyZXNzIjoiMHhlZDVhZjM4ODY1MzU2N2FmMmYzODhlNjIyNGRjN2M0YjMyNDFjNTQ0In0sImxpbWl0Ijo1MDAsIm9mZnNldCI6NTUwMCwib3JkZXIiOltbInRyYW5zZmVyX2luZGV4IiwiREVTQyJdXSwicGFnZSI6MTEsImtleSI6IjE0MTM2NjUyLjM3NS41MDguMCIsImlhdCI6MTY0OTM1NzExMn0.6NgseufnuI6y41aeBgaxh8TE0mVVUSRcKOmiDTFNdiU
"2022-04-07T18:45:19.862Z f25aa090-91ed-54e3-a8eb-fa59a285747e ERROR Error: This Moralis Server is rate-limited because of the plan restrictions. See the details about the current rate and throttle limits: {"x-rate-limit-limit":"60","x-rate-limit-remaining-ttl":"1","x-rate-limit-used":"75","x-rate-limit-remaining-ip-ttl":"1","x-rate-limit-ip-used":"75"}
at Function.fetchFromApi (/var/task/index.js:1149:24447)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async lae._getMoralisSnapshot (/var/task/index.js:1396:1535)
at async lae._getSnapshotFromMoralisPageRange (/var/task/index.js:1396:2720)
at async /var/task/index.js:1396:3247
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at async _Xe (/var/task/index.js:1396:3404)
at async Runtime.b$0 [as handler] (/var/task/index.js:1396:4305)"
If I am not mistaken, the pro plan should let us make up to 60 requests per second (12 requests for the GetNFTOwners endpoint since it costs 5 requests). From our logs, we are well under that limit. And we are using the cursor
param for making these requests. Below is our code that makes a single request:
_getMoralisData = async (callingCursor = '', contractAddress: string) => {
let response;
try {
response = await Moralis.Web3API.token.getNFTOwners({
address: contractAddress,
chain: 'eth',
format: 'decimal',
cursor: callingCursor,
} catch (e) {
console.error(`There was an error getting nft owner data from Moralis for ${contractAddress} at cursor ${callingCursor}`);
const { page, status, cursor, result } = response;
return { cursor, page }
And below is our code that makes a series of requests:
let { cursor, page } = await this._getMoralisData(undefined, contractAddress);
while (cursor !== '' && page !== undefined && page < stopPage - 1) {
console.info(`Making Moralis API request for contract ${contractAddress} and page number ${page}`);
const { cursor: newCursor, page: newPage } = await this._getMoralisData(cursor, contractAddress);
page = newPage;
cursor = newCursor;
Any help here would be greatly appreciated since this throttling is significantly degrading our product experience.