[Question]: How to transfer mutliple NFTs in one transfer

Non nitro server, default settings when creating a free dev server. Also no plugins for moralis used in my env. Regarding tables, you are asking questions which I really cannot answer.

This is my server URL: https://vugn9gpmxhsf.usemoralis.com:2053/server. Hopefully, this might give you more information.

Code used with bulk transfer:

 const sendOptions = {
      functionName: 'safeBatchTransferFrom',
      abi: ERC1155TransferABI,
      params: {
        from: sender,
        to: receiver,
        ids: tokenIDs,
        data: '0x',
    const receipt = await Moralis.executeFunction(sendOptions);

ok, so you have a dev server, that is not a nitro server in this particular case

you try to execute that safeBatchTransferFrom on your own devchain? is that question related to the server somehow?

No it is not connected to the server. I think this started to become a bit confusing. Will wait a few days hoping for the solution to the web3api output of getting nfts I no longer own.