Pull request Moralis-JS-SDK/tree/main/demos/parse-server

Hello, I have updated this demo, could I please accept a pull request? What steps should I follow for the pull request?

this repo:

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Hi @davidzuccarini

If you have already opened a pull request can you please share a link to it? I will pass it on to the respective team. :raised_hands:

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I asked, why in the contribute options, the instructions appear clear, but when updating the subfolders of the repository such as demo/parse-server, I would have to reconfigure the lint and the versions of main, since the repository in general works with this configuration, and those versions. and what I have done is that:

  • update parse-server dependency
  • update the parse server dashboard dependency
  • add an example file pattern for clouds
  • update to package.json, in scripts add start for production
  • update to package.json, add engines with the lts version for correct operation.
  • update to package.json, add packageManager with the version of the specific package manager.
  • add a basic .gitignore file

I made it functional and it works for me. That is to say: I extracted the demo from the folder: /demo/parse-server, I made the updates, tried the same contributing steps, in just that abstraction, and everything worked well, when I took the changes to the main repository , I got the following :

โžค YN0000: Done with warnings in 1m 33s

When running yarn build, I receive the following error:

PS C:\Users\david zuccarini\Documents\Programacion\Moralis-JS-SDK\demos\parse-server> yarn build
src/api/proxyGenerator.ts:1:21 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'moralis' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import Moralis from 'moralis';

src/api/proxyGenerator.ts:5:50 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'moralis/common-sol-utils' or its corresponding type declarations.

5 import { operationsV2All as solOperations } from 'moralis/common-sol-utils';

src/api/proxyGenerator.ts:6:50 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'moralis/common-evm-utils' or its corresponding type declarations.

6 import { operationsV2All as evmOperations } from 'moralis/common-evm-utils';

src/api/proxyGenerator.ts:7:46 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@moralisweb3/api-utils' or its corresponding type declarations.

7 import { convertOperationToDescriptor } from '@moralisweb3/api-utils';

src/api/proxyGenerator.ts:41:7 - error TS7053: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'any' can't be used to index type 'IRoute<any>'.

41 proxyRouter.route(urlPattern)[descriptor.method](async (req, res, next) => {

src/api/proxyGenerator.ts:41:63 - error TS7006: Parameter 'req' implicitly has an 'any' type.

41 proxyRouter.route(urlPattern)[descriptor.method](async (req, res, next) => {

src/api/proxyGenerator.ts:41:68 - error TS7006: Parameter 'res' implicitly has an 'any' type.

41 proxyRouter.route(urlPattern)[descriptor.method](async (req, res, next) => {

src/api/proxyGenerator.ts:41:73 - error TS7006: Parameter 'next' implicitly has an 'any' type.

41 proxyRouter.route(urlPattern)[descriptor.method](async (req, res, next) => {

src/auth/authService.ts:1:21 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'moralis' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import Moralis from 'moralis';

src/auth/MoralisAuthAdapter.ts:3:21 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'moralis' or its corresponding type declarations.

3 import Moralis from 'moralis';

src/auth/MoralisAuthAdapter.ts:13:12 - error TS7006: Parameter 'result' implicitly has an 'any' type.

13 .then((result) => {

src/index.ts:1:21 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'moralis' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import Moralis from 'moralis';

src/middlewares/errorHandler.ts:1:46 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@moralisweb3/common-core' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import { isMoralisError, MoralisError } from '@moralisweb3/common-core';

src/utils/ParseServerRequest.ts:1:49 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@moralisweb3/common-core' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import { CoreProvider, RequestController } from '@moralisweb3/common-core';

Found 14 errors in 6 files.

File Errors
 8 src/api/proxyGenerator.ts:1
 1 src/auth/authService.ts:1
 2 src/auth/MoralisAuthAdapter.ts:3
 1 src/index.ts:1
 1 src/middlewares/errorHandler.ts:1
 1 src/utils/ParseServerRequest.ts:1

I did it because of the announcement they made, they will no longer maintain parse-server. and it is a very valuable service (at least for us and what we do, we adopt both parse-server and moralis for developments).
so. Could you update the files in the folder and send the statement? Or I have to follow the general contribution steps for the pull request, I could sit down and debug and fix the bugs in the main, but it will take a little more time.

The result of extracting the folder, compiling and testing each step is as follows:
yarn install:

PS C:\Users\david zuccarini\Documents\Programacion\react\parse-server> yarn install
yarn install v1.22.19
[1/5] Validating package.json...
[2/5] Resolving packages...
success Already up-to-date.
Donate in 0.33s.
yarn build:

PS C:\Users\david zuccarini\Documents\Programming\react\parse-server> yarn build
yarn run v1.22.19
Donate in 1.60s.
yarn dev:

PS C:\Users\david zuccarini\Documents\Programming\react\parse-server> yarn dev
yarn run v1.22.19
$ts-node src/index.ts
template-backend is running on port 2338
yarn start:

PS C:\Users\david zuccarini\Documents\Programacion\react\parse-server> yarn start
yarn run v1.22.19
template-backend is running on port 2338

Reject the pull request to main, and please create a new branch to send the pull to that branch and submit it for them to see.

Actually the changes are minor, prepare a pull in case you want to take a look, make some comments, and make some suggestions. to do it in a better way. I hope it is useful for other people. and I hope to contribute in the right way. I am grateful to the moralis community, and parse-server.

This is the repository and the branch to open the pull request:

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