I’m having problems with the deployment of my token. I’m following this tutorial: https://moralis.io/create-free-token-how-to-deploy-your-own-testnet-crypto-token-in-10-mins/#:~:text=Create%20Free%20Token%20Using%20Moralis%20Speedy%20Nodes&text=Create%20your%20free%20Moralis%20account,Moralis%20account%2C%20just%20log%20in.
I originally thought that it was just a problem of finding the .bash file, so I added the Moralis Ropsten endpoint to the Brownie networks via
brownie networks add Ethereum moralis-ropsten host=https://speedy-nodes-nyc.moralis.io/324234/eth/ropsten chainid=3
which seems to have worked.
But when I try to rund the command
brownie console --network moralis-ropsten
I still get:
'Brownie v1.16.4 - Python development framework for Ethereum
No project was loaded.
Brownie environment is ready.
Can anyone explain why? Everything else works fine. I just can’t deploy it bc it won’t load. Help would be much appeciated