Production rollout


i’m preparing my app to go live and making the final security adjustments on Moralis classes.
I’ve came across a doubt regarding several classes. The classes are below:
EthBalance, EthNFTOwners, EthNFTTransfers, EthTokenBalance, EthTokenTransfers, EthTransactions, EventSync, RateLimits, Role, Session and _EthAddress

The doubt is regarding the security model for this classes - what should be done ?
Can this classes be written/tampered on the frontend with only access to the apiKey ?
Can someone made requests to alter the data on this classes ?

I also have some other classes that are created via the sync method (based on smart contract events and before/after save functions). Can this classes be also tampered with ?


Hi @armindopereira

I suggest you to take a look at first. Feel free to ask any questions after you check the docs and video

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i’ve checked the docs and that is why i’ve posted the question.


can you choose a particular case and ask what are your concerns in particular for a specific table?


for the classes
EthBalance, EthNFTOwners, EthNFTTransfers, EthTokenBalance, EthTokenTransfers, EthTransactions, EventSync, RateLimits, Role, Session and _EthAddress

Can this classes be written/tampered on the frontend with only access to the apiKey ? (since its visible on frontend)
Can someone made requests to alter the data on this classes ?


Based on the CLP that you have on those classes, what can be done now?


this is for EventSync / Session (which i didnt create this one - seems something Moralis do automatically)


you can disable write for public there

you can watch this tutorial: