Problem migration from Wallet Connect V1 to Wallet Connect V2

Hell, everybody.

I am having issues with migrating from Wallet Connect V1 to V2.

I have a package registry called Reusable Component Library which all of my dApps are using as one of my components is the Wallet Connect button.

I am using enableWeb3 and so far the code responsible for the connect wallet button looks like this:

export const ConnectOptions = ({ onClose }: Closeable) => {

  const { theme, isWhiteLabel } = useCitadelContext();

  const { account, enableWeb3 } = useMoralis();

  const providers = [


      content: "Metamask",

      url: "",

      provider: "metamask",



      content: "Wallet Connect",

      url: "",

      provider: "walletconnect",



I have followed this: and created this version of the code:

export const ConnectOptions = ({ onClose }: Closeable) => {

  const { theme, isWhiteLabel } = useCitadelContext();

  const { account, enableWeb3 } = useMoralis();

  const providers = [


      content: "Metamask",

      url: "",

      provider: "metamask",



      content: "Wallet Connect",

      url: "",

      provider: "walletconnect",

      onClick: () => {    


          provider: 'walletconnect',

          projectId: 'c1b4d01d68cdb162f08d96f772c70d7e',

          qrModalOptions: { themeMode: 'light' },






Sadly it is not working, because currently when I click on Wallet Conenct at my dApp nothing happens. MetaMask is still working fine.

Can you suggest me a solution?

Best regards,

do you see anything in your console when you use walletconnect?

No, I have no error in the console.

I have tried also to debug with console logs, but when I click to Wallet Connect on my dApp nothing happens. It does not even trigger the console errors.

this should be

async () => {    

      await  enableWeb3

also can you make sure you are assigning this click function when you click wallet connect?

you can also add a .catch() and print the errors to see if anything happens during the process

export const ConnectOptions = ({ onClose }: Closeable) => {

  const { theme, isWhiteLabel } = useCitadelContext();

  const { account, enableWeb3 } = useMoralis();

  const providers = [


      content: "Metamask",

      url: "",

      provider: "metamask",



      content: "Wallet Connect",

      url: "",

      provider: "walletconnect",

      onClick: async () => {

        console.log("onClick triggered: trying to enable Web3 with WalletConnect");


        try {

          await enableWeb3({

            provider: 'walletconnect',

            projectId: 'c1b4d01d68cdb162f08d96f772c70d7e',

            qrModalOptions: { themeMode: 'light' },



          console.log("enableWeb3 call succeeded");

        } catch (error) {

          console.error("enableWeb3 call failed", error);





This is the reworked version but it still does not trigger anything, neither shows any errors in console.

can you make sure you have the latest react-moralis and moralis-v1 versions in your project? also make sure you remove the old packages and add the new ones as per the tutorial

I have tried everything you have suggested. All the libraries are up-to-date, code seems to be fine.

Still, Metamask is working fine, but WalletConnect is not. When I click WalletConnect nothing happens. I put console logs and it does not trigger anything.

import Moralis from 'moralis';
import { useCitadelContext } from "../contexts/CitadelContext";
import { Clickable, Closeable, ContentIcon } from "../types";
import { TextButton, TextButtonStatus } from "../TextButton";
import { $mask } from "../utils";
import { PoweredBy } from "../PoweredBy";
import { ThemeProvider } from "../contexts/ThemeContext";
import { useMoralis } from "react-moralis";

const WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_ID = 'c1b4d01d68cdb162f08d96f772c70d7e';

export const ConnectOptions = ({ onClose }: Closeable) => {
  const { theme, isWhiteLabel } = useCitadelContext();
  const { authenticate, enableWeb3, isAuthenticated, user } = useMoralis();

  const account = isAuthenticated && user?.get("ethAddress");

  const connectWithWalletConnect = async () => {
    console.log("Attempting to connect with WalletConnect...");
    try {
      await authenticate({
        provider: 'walletconnect',
        signingMessage: "Connect to WalletConnect",
        options: {
          projectId: WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_ID,
      console.log("Connected successfully with WalletConnect!");
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("An error occurred while connecting with WalletConnect:", error);

  const connectWithMetaMask = async () => {
    enableWeb3(); // Using Moralis to enable MetaMask

  const providers = [
      content: "Metamask",
      url: "",
      provider: "metamask",
      content: "Wallet Connect",
      url: "",
      provider: "walletconnect",

  const connectWallet = (provider: string) => {
    if (provider === 'walletconnect') {
    } else if (provider === 'metamask') {

  return (
        className={`fixed  top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0 flex flex-col justify-center items-center bg-blackPanther-${theme} bg-opacity-75 z-50 inset-0  w-full h-full`}
      {/* ... */}
      <div className={`bg-gradient-to-b from-bigFox-${theme} to-smallFox-${theme}  p-9 rounded-md`}>
        <div className={`sm:w-[483px] flex flex-col  gap-y-4 rounded-lg `}>
          {!account ? (
              <ConnectOptionsHeader />
              <div className={`flex flex-col gap-y-2 py-2`}>
              {{ content, url, provider }: any, idx) => (
    onClick={() => connectWallet(provider)}
          ) : (
            <div className={`py-4 text-cat-${theme}`}>
              {$mask(account)} is now{" "}
              <span className={`animate-glow-box-${theme}`}>connected</span>
          <p className={`text-lg font-semibold text-[#E2EFF9]`}>
            Suggestions for connecting a wallet
            className={`text-sm font-medium text-smallSeal-${theme} list-disc pl-4`}
            <li className="py-1 ">If youโ€™re on Desktop, try MetaMask</li>
            <li className="py-1">If youโ€™re on Mobile, try WalletConnect</li>
            <li className="py-1">
              Please avoid using Trust Wallet to connect to our platform
            <li className={`animate-glow-box-${theme}`}>
              Note to mobile users. Open your wallet app and sign the gas free
            onClick={() => onClose()}
        {isWhiteLabel && (
          <div className="pt-6">
            <ThemeProvider bgOpacity={0} hasNavHoverIcon={false}>
              <PoweredBy />

const ConnectOptionsHeader = () => {
  const { theme } = useCitadelContext();

  return (
    <div className={`text-cat-${theme} flex flex-col py-2 rounded-lg`}>
      <div className={`text-md md:text-lg animate-glow-box-${theme}`}>
        Connect your wallet
      <div className={`text-sm py-2`}>
        Connect with one of the available wallet providers

type ConnectOptionProps = ContentIcon & Clickable;

const ConnectOption = ({ content, url, onClick }: ConnectOptionProps) => {
  const { theme } = useCitadelContext();
  return (
      className={`bg-seaHorse-${theme} text-cat-${theme} cursor-pointer flex flex-row gap-x-6 items-center justify-start p-4 px-8 rounded-lg`}
      onClick={() => onClick()}
      <img src={url} className={`h-8 md:h-12`} />
      <div className={`text-md md:text-xl`}>{content}</div>

This is the full code, please examine it and share with me if you have any ideas.

Okay, here is a little progress by the way.


When I click I am getting the console log that it is successfully connected, but the pop-up with the QR code does not show up now.

It is the same code as before.

did you log in one before? you will have to log out from that app first otherwise it will reconnect automatically