Paypal Web3 Clone

Hello Moralis Team,

I can se great tutorial with paypal clone which working with contract deploy on matic blockchain and using matic for payment.

Can someone give quick answer when I make my own coin on matic network how I can put that only payment can be woth them.

Or if I deploy contract on erc20 or other network how I can put my own coin for payment method.

I hope you are very well,

Best regards

Hi @ceno

To use your token as payment you need to first list it on any decentral exchange like 1Inch with liquidity pools. Then you can use your token to transact with other tokens like USDT or native tokens.

I understand that that I must have contract, deploy contract list on exchange and provide liquidity. But I ask about this paypal clone, here admin put contract for request and payment on Matic and all payment is native Matic, how I can change options to put my token which is on erc20 and I dont want that payment be native Eth I want only that go with my token.

You can use wagmi contract calling functions to use ERC20 for payment. Basically, you will be calling the transfer function of an ERC20 contract.

Please check the below docs on how to use it.